Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Im growing my hair, the back is really dry and feels like straw especially touching my neck.?

The rest of my hair has weight to it and seems to be fine. I don't know what to do, it almost feels like straw. What can I do? Can it be fixed???

Im growing my hair, the back is really dry and feels like straw especially touching my neck.?

yes it can be fixed with time and care

eat lots of nuts, use a lot of olive oil in your diet, and garlic

Im growing my hair, the back is really dry and feels like straw especially touching my neck.?

Sometimes dry, brittle patches in your hair appear when you aren't getting a good balanced diet. My friend starved herself and that happened to her hair. Eat lots of veggies and foods with vitamins and protein. Fish oil is also great for your hair (when you EAT it, not putting it on your hair, ew). You can also take a vitamin supplement that is good for your hair. You can find a vitamin supplement for your hair at a regular drugstore.

Also, you can use a conditioner/hot oil treatment on your hair, or a hair mask. If this doesn't help, talk to the person who cuts your hair. I hope this helps.

Im growing my hair, the back is really dry and feels like straw especially touching my neck.?

If you can afford it try Tenegra repair treatment at your hairdressing salon.

Im growing my hair, the back is really dry and feels like straw especially touching my neck.?

I think it depends on your age.....which you didn't mention. I used to have long beautiful hair...past my butt....but today I like to keep it short because mine just gets frizzy and yucky. It won't curl or fix right either with the "little" (LOL) bit of grey I have coming in either. That's why little old ladies always get can't do anything with old hair. Or you have to color your hair to make it better. Just a thought.

Im growing my hair, the back is really dry and feels like straw especially touching my neck.?

When it comes to having beautiful, full hair my best answer would be henna. Make sure you don't use lemon or lime juice in your recipe when you make the henna as they can cause your hair to break if it's already weak. Rain water is usually acidic enough to get a nice colour out of the henna as well and won't harm your hair further. Try using the henna as often as you can it should thicken your hair and keep it healthy. If you don't want the red of the henna you may want to look for "neutral" or "colourless" henna. It will do as nice a job for your hair but without the colour. With the neutral henna you just have to mix it with tap water, this should be used as often as possible. If there are any skin problems on your scalp the henna or neutral henna will both help fight it. The last idea I have would be to take coconut oil and massage your head with it every night. Make sure when you're washing out the oil you're using a gentle shampoo, even better a henna shampoo. I wish you luck.

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